Things That Go Boom in the Night and Day

By: Mr. Wilson on April 13, 2010
Get ready to blow some stuff up, ladies and gentlemen. Lincoln has joined the rest of the state by significantly expanding its list of legal fireworks. I suspect the actual effect will be minimal. After all, a big chunk of the people who wanted a wider selection of fireworks had only to drive a few miles out of town to get them. I know that never stopped me when I was a kid. The big losers in this decision are the fireworks tent operators in small towns surrounding Lincoln -- Hickman, Roca, Cortland, Eagle, Raymond, and so on -- though those tents usually are a bit cheaper, and they start selling much earlier. The oddest thing to me about this decision is how negative I am about it. I used to love early July. Now I loathe its noise and pollution. Teenage me would mercilessly mock current me.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Steve Smith
April 14, 2010 at 9:35PM

I used to like to shoot off fireworks. Then I grew out of adolescence.

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