There Oughtta NOT Be a Law

By: Mr. Wilson on August 7, 2006
A while back the Journal Star ran a feature called "There Oughtta Be a Law", and other groups have run similar campaigns over the years. I don't know that anybody has ever done the opposite, though: There Oughtta Not Be a Law. Thinking only about local ordinances, which one(s) would you repeal, and why?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 7, 2006 at 4:05PM

Constitutionally speaking most of the firearms laws that are on the books in Lincoln and Omaha.

Local Governments need to understand that they have only those powers given them by the people through the Constitution.

No where in the Constitution does it give power to the state or political subdivisions to regulate firearms.

It is not a crime issue, it is a Public Official violation of oath of office issue. It is a clear violation of the trust the people have vested in electing public servants.

Mr. T
August 7, 2006 at 10:28PM

The first one that comes to mind is the ordinance that prohibits a stationary vehicle on a city street for longer than 24 hours. That one should be changed to AT LEAST 72 hours with certain exceptions (ie snow emergencies).

That law is way overbroad in its coverage. Its focus is to target abandoned cars on streets, which is fine. However by triggering it at 24 hours, the end result of the ordinance is to basically penalize, oh lets see…old people who dont drive often, sick people who can’t drive, people who walk to work, people who want to save on gas and take the bus or ride their bikes, and of course, low income people who live in apartments and dont have a home and garage.

August 7, 2006 at 11:28PM

Mr T,

Here is how the law is enforced in Lincoln… A citizen must call the police department to complain about a parked car.  Depending on the location and time it will be give to parking enforcement for their action (it does not matter if an officer or a parking person takes action).  The official will mark the tires in a way so that if the vehicle is moved there is no foul.  Otherwise the official will come back 24 hours later to see if the vehicle has been moved.  So… there is at least 48 hours built into the system.

August 8, 2006 at 3:14AM

So when the parking nazis drive up and down 12th street in their little Geo whatever they are just cruising for the ‘obvious’ abandoned cars? This, of course, explains two tickets written at 12th and E for two different vehicles parked in the same ‘city’ parking next the the apt building and ticketed with 24 hour tow tickets because they didnt have intransits? When both cars had only been there for approx. 8 hours, on a weekend? One of them was mine-id just bought it. The other was my neighbor’s. Both private purchase sales. So they are only looking for cars they get calls on? Thats why the drive up those streets at noon on a weekday? Looking for ‘complained about’ vehicles? I don’t necessarily buy it.

August 8, 2006 at 5:23PM

no, downtown and conjested districts (downtown, union college ect) they are checking for the people who have violated the expired meter or no parking zone laws.  Intransit laws are different and if the person who owns the car can prove that they are legally intransit (illegal to make homemade signs) the ticket is dropped.  furthermore you take care of the intransit ticket at the DMV when you register your vehicle.  Rememer that due to the density of these areas the parking people are looking for nonmoving violations.  You will also see the parking enforcement going around the high schools to make sure that students have not blocked driveways of the local residents.  I was explaining how the 24hr parking law was enforced in residentual areas.

Mr. T
August 8, 2006 at 5:30PM

Huskerpilot - Interesting. Just out of curiosity, how do you know the inside workings on of the parking policies?

Mr. Wilson
August 8, 2006 at 6:41PM

He hasn’t always been a pilot 😉

August 8, 2006 at 10:09PM

Defense of Marriage, which may not count since it’s a constitutional amendment and not a law, but good god, was that stupid. (Mostly because it was already not legal to marry a person of the same sex anyway, so it was really just to show how red a state we really are)

Other laws. Hmm. Other than the speed limits being too low in a few places (Vine Street between 70th and 84th comes to mind) I can’t think of anything.

August 9, 2006 at 12:05AM

Um yeah, I did not always use to be a pilot… I spent some time as an officer with the LPD.  One of the many usless items of information in the old head.

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