The New Lincolnite is Coming

By: Mr. Wilson on August 18, 2006
No seriously, I swear it's true. The new version of Lincolnite is nearing the point where I'll be ready to unveil it. Sure, I've been talking about it for months. But this time I'm serious. There's a new wiki-fied directory that's a little rough around the edges right now but should be fun to play with. Last night I set up the new Lincolnite forums. Hopefully many of you take advantage of that. And of course there's the spiffy new look. The events calendar will be there, but I'm working behind the scenes on a much (much) more advanced personalizable calendar solution behind the scenes. And the new classifieds aren't quite ready for prime time, but they'll be ready soon enough. Anyway, I want to thank those of you who have hung around here on Lincolnite to see where I take this thing. I can't wait to stop working on the design and really start focusing on putting together some quality content for you. Lincolnite logo


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Karin Dalziel
August 18, 2006 at 1:26PM

Yay! Forums! I can’t wait!

It’s always difficult balancing design and content on a website. To work on one you pretty much have to ignore the other.

August 18, 2006 at 5:30PM

wow this looks awesome.
great job

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