The LJS’s New Clothes Need Some Tailoring
By: Mr. Wilson on
July 22, 2009
I'm gonna unleash my new look on the world today. It was inspired by WordPress template called "Sisyphean Ordeal."Awesome. It's even more awesome if you happen to know some of the back story behind the site redevelopment.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I was just going to come back here and post on a blog down below about the nightmare that is the LJS online. I hope they get that all working soon.
The white space on the front page is burning my retinas.
Looks like one of the big blank spaces was just an ad that was failing to load.
I like how the height of the shifting story panel varies by story. Okay not really, it’s kind of stupid.
Apparently you never been to Lincolnite 😉
oh I keeed
Wifers says all the meat is below the fold and top is filled with nothing. Being able to register and get your comments up there quick. Jody P and Pete Allen will love that.
I noticed their site was down this afternoon & suspected an update.
My initial reactions-
1. I wish you could just mouseover the nav bar & have the drop-downs appear, instead of having to click them
2. You have to register to leave a comment now. I don’t *think* it was like that before? I know there are many advantages to requiring registration (cuts down on the anonymous crazies), but I’m anti-reg, because I’m just that lazy.
3. The blogs page is impossible to decipher. Which post is from which blog? I think they’re addressing this prob, because I found this when I searched “Biz Buzz”.
4. My retinas disagree with Dave’s. This looks nice & clean to me, relative to media companies’ pages.
Good luck to them! I’m sure no matter WHAT they do, there’ll be plenty of criticism.
It looks so generic! Like one of those fake official sites you’re led to when you actually stumble upon a nonregistered domain name. Slightly cleaner than the previous way-too-busy look it shared with most newspaper web sites, but still ... yawn.
Meanwhile: That Twitter site you link to is actually related to LJS? I’m sorry, I know that at 41 I’m an ancient fuddy-duddy, but as a former journalist (at LJS, no less) I’m embarrassed to have such a nonprofessional connection to what is supposedly still a “news” site.
No, @NewLJSdotcom is most definitely not affiliated with the Journal Star, as noted in the bio: “Not affiliated with the Lincoln Journal Star or”
Are you abroad doing some service work, by any chance? 😊
@Gene: You caught me! How are you?
@Mr. Wilson: Guess I didn’t read the fine print. glad they haven’t sunk quite that low ... yet ...
You have a PM.
Heh. I can’t stand Jody P.
I’m well. I’ve been following some of your adventures on your blog occasionally. Glad you’re doing well.
Spoken like a typical GODLESS libural.. Where if YOUR birth certifikt OBAMA?
I always knew YOU were trolling as Jody P!
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