The Catalyst One Memorial Monument to Failure

By: Mr. Wilson on December 9, 2008
It's official: the City of Lincoln is out over $5 million -- not including lost tax revenue -- and all we have to show for it are two damn parking lots. Catalyst One's death isn't much of a surprise, but it is a huge disappointment. It represents a tremendous failure of City government on par with the largest failures Lincoln has ever seen. This day is historic for all the wrong reasons. Lincolnites should be livid. This kind of misadventure is not acceptable. Millions of dollars are lost, businesses have been disrupted, and public confidence -- not something Lincolnites have an excess of -- will take a beating. Mayor Beutler had this to say:
The mayor’s job is to prioritize need and carefully assess the city’s capacity for new commitments. Lincoln’s taxpayers can be assured that I take that responsibility extremely seriously and will not let our dreams surpass our ability to responsibly finance them in light of such a challenging economy.
Those are timely words, considering one of Beutler's dreams is due to come to a vote in 2009.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 10, 2008 at 2:37AM

Maybe we should erect a plaque there to recognize Colleen Seng for another stellar accomplishment.

December 10, 2008 at 2:14PM

They are a couple spectacular looking parking lots! 😊

December 10, 2008 at 2:18PM

Actually the one on the southwest corner already has some big holes in it.  The northest one though… now that is one fine piece of asphalt.

December 10, 2008 at 2:23PM

“Fine piece of asphalt.”

Well said! 😊

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