The Buck’s Not Here

By: Mr. Wilson on August 20, 2007
I drove by it on Saturday, but I didn't realize The Legacy's sculpture had been vandalized. The buck was removed. You know the sculpture -- the one on the corner of 56th and Pioneers. It's a nice work. I especially love it when they leave the water running in cold weather and the waterfall freezes. There's a thousand bucks (no pun intended) in it for you if you help convict the bozos who did it.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 20, 2007 at 1:57PM

That pun was totally intended, admit it.  I had to look at the picture in the article to remember what the sculpture was, but now that I do, it’s a very beautiful sculpture.  Could this be the new Lee’s chicken?

August 20, 2007 at 3:26PM

A few weekends ago they mentioned this on the Channel 8 news. What cracked me up was that the news story was about how precious the scuplture was to the residents and then they mentioned that the landmark sculpture was stolen sometime between the early morning hours of a Tuesday and that Saturday.

I hope they find the people resposible and it is returned - I like it too. But I’m just sayin’... how precious & beloved of a landmark could it possibly be if no one could really say when it dissapeared within a 5 day span?

August 20, 2007 at 4:15PM

And it’s not even deer season!

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