Thank You Thursday

By: Mr. Wilson on October 26, 2006
I'm very lazy when it comes to writing thank you notes, and I think we all, from time to time, forget to thank people for what they do. So today's assignment: write a thank you note in the comments to a Lincolnite or local business or organization. Some brief rules:
  1. Only serious notes, please. Leave the snarkiness at the door.
  2. Try to write a note to somebody you wouldn't normally thank.
  3. Major bonus points if you actually send the note.
My thank yous for the day:
  • Thank you, Inna's, for trying. I'm sorry it didn't work out.
  • Thank you, LIBA, for making Lincoln talk about complex topics.
  • Thank you, YMCA Youth Sports, for ensuring that every kid can play.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 26, 2006 at 6:10PM


Thanks to the city and program that allows “challenged” folk the oppertunity to work removing trash from downtown.  Keeps our downtown nice and purdy.

October 26, 2006 at 8:47PM

oh and the snow removal peeps.

Man how many letters to the editor are you expecting this year ripping on them?

As far as I am concerned they do an amazing job.

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