Take Action

By: Mr. Wilson on December 21, 2011
Have you noticed how many unseasonably large potholes there are around town already? There aren't a lot, at least not in any objective sense. But boy, I've hit a couple doozies that just seem out of place in December. As annoying as that is, at least the City makes it easy for all of us to tell somebody about it. Smartphone users should download the Lincoln ACTION Center app (available for Android and iOS for now; search for "lincoln action center") and use it as needed. You can report problems and even submit a photo and the problem's precise location. Handy stuff. Of the folks I know who've used it, every one of them has said that their problem was resolved within about 48 hours -- some much quicker. Too often we -- and yes, I'm including myself in that "we" -- sit around and gripe about how the City doesn't fix something without realizing that until it gets on a todo list somewhere, it's not going to get fixed. The Lincoln ACTION Center app helps get problems onto one of those lists so that they can be addressed. Use it. Your fellow Lincolnites thank you.


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