Special Olymipcs Check-In

By: Mr. Wilson on July 22, 2010
I apologize for the lack of posts this week. I've been getting up at 5:00am all week (as you can tell by the time this is being posted), and my evenings have been spent napping, hanging out with the family, or preparing for the next day's activities. I've been out at Abbott Sports Complex volunteering at the Special Olympics soccer venue. Soccer has gone well so far. There have been a couple hiccups, but if I remember correctly each has been beyond our control. We just deal with the hiccups as best we can and move on. Two or our divisions have their championship matches today. The remaining five divisions wrap up tomorrow. Both the action and the temperatures are starting to heat up. Speaking of the temperature, this week has so far been much cooler and wetter than expected. Thank goodness for that -- well, for the cooler part anyway. Today's temps are a little worrisome, but we'll do our part to keep the athletes safe. How are the Special Olympics National Games going from your perspective? I would like to hear from you whether you're a volunteer; a spectator; a participant; or just a Lincolnite observing all this from your front porch. Let us know!


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July 22, 2010 at 3:25PM

We went on vacation last week and decided to drive to Oregon by way of Carhenge, Yellowstone, etc.  We drove Highway 2 all the way to Fort Robinson. We stopped for gas in Alliance and noticed a long string of flashing lights and motorcycle police coming down the highway.  It was the torch run. Very cool.

July 23, 2010 at 2:10PM

After the thespians & FFAers left town, I was a little worried to have an even bigger group tromping through downtown.  But everyone I’ve encountered has been very polite & complimentary of Lincoln.  And I honestly think that all of the Lincolnite volunteering has brought on a wave of good vibrations.  Plus, you can’t argue with the money it’s bringing to our city.  I say bring we lobby to bring ‘em back next year!

July 23, 2010 at 3:26PM

Although I wasn’t able to volunteer, I have loved reading and seeing all the coverage of the Olympics.  I think Lincoln has done a wonderful job hosting the Olympics, making the athletes and their families feel welcome here, and handling all the logistics of such a large event.  I know many people who volunteered, and all have said it was one of the best experiences of their lives.

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