Spammers Can Kiss My…

By: Mr. Wilson on April 29, 2010
Lincolnite has been taking some abuse from spammers lately. I'll see what I can do about it, but I'm pretty swamped with work right now. In the mean time, please just ignore any spam comments you come across. I'll delete them as soon as I can. On a related note, some people are reporting that they receive an error message when trying to comment. Something about needing to wait 8 seconds between page load and when you submit your comment. That in itself is a spam prevention feature. The only thing is, it's happening to people who have been on the page longer than 8 seconds. For now it seems to work if you just go back and sit on the page for a bit before resubmitting. Annoying, I know. I'm looking into that problem, too.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
May 3, 2010 at 2:56AM

If it is wordpress I can help you out…there are a few plugins that basically make the spam comments completely go away.  I am kind of thinking it is wordpress from the looks of it.  Install the askismet plugin and life will get so much better.

If not on wordpress…there are plugins for the other blog packages also.

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