Spadt is Snuffed!

By: Mr. Wilson on July 7, 2006
Lincoln Fire Chief Mike Spadt has resigned. Mayor Colleen Seng asked for his resignation after new fire trucks -- the center of an ongoing scuffle -- failed to meet the City's specifications, despite assurances from the Fire Department that they did. Mike Spadt has been in hot water with some Lincolnites for years. The focus of much of the ire was the heavily contested LFD takeover of ambulance services. Assistant Chief Rich Furasek will replace Spadt until a permanent replacement can be found.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 10, 2006 at 4:58PM

“Spadt is a very skillful liar and has perpetrated many con jobs over the years including the ambulance fiasco. The purchasing agent for the city, Vince Mejers smelled a rat on the original bid and blew the whistle. To honor his honesty and courage the Mayor threatened his job. Vince Mejer deserves a medal. This needs to be investigated by an outside agency e.g. the state patrol or the attorney general. The mayor needs to be an advocate for the citizens of this community, demonstrate leadership and administer good government. She has failed abysmally on all fronts by keeping Spadt when she became elected and turning a blind eye to his shenanigans since she took office. She sold her soul to the fire union, once headed by Spadt, to get elected and now she should pay the price. “

Jason Craft
July 10, 2006 at 7:01PM

Vince Mejer deserves a medal?  Sorry but if you feel that Coleen Seng removing Spadt did any good then your crazy.  The two people that should be removed from office our Coleen Seng and Jon Camp.  These two people are using their political appointed positions to gain individual wealth which is completely wrong.

All I know is Coleen Seng was Mike Spadts boss, so shouldnt she be the one ultimately responsible?

July 15, 2006 at 3:38AM

Thank you, Jason. I am related to Mike, and I know he wouldnt do anything that stupid. Camp has basically been trying to save his butt from everything that has gone wrong and Seng and Mike have always disliked each other. I think you are right for wanting them to resign. thanks! 😊

Mr. Wilson
July 15, 2006 at 12:54PM

To those of you defending Mike Spadt: if he isn’t stupid, and he isn’t criminal, what is he? I ask that in all seriousness. Why did he continually say the trucks met the specs when they very clearly did not? If the guy is really a victim in all this, I’m all ears; make your case. But so far the only defenses I’ve heard fall far short of explaining Mr. Spadt’s actions (and inactions).

roscoe mcadams
July 15, 2006 at 11:17PM

That is great that smurf is related to Spadt.  Can smurf tell us about him being arrested at po pears in the early days of his carrer for fighting with a cop, or his personal friendship with Mr. Mellon, the owner of EDM ( i smell a kickback).  Or the fact that his education consists of a GED and an associates degree in fire fighting.  That is great, a man overseeing a multi million dollar agency with only 2 years of post high school education.  He is a crook.

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