Running Out of Options

By: Mr. Wilson on August 11, 2010
The Industrial Arts building on Innovation Campus is running out of options now that UNL has rejected the only redevelopment proposal offered by the July 1 deadline. For all the talk from the building's supporters about how nifty the building is -- and it is an interesting building -- nobody seems willing to put up the money to save it. From my angle it would have been nice to see the building saved -- and there's still a small chance it could be -- but I'm not going to lose a wink of sleep over its demolition. "Old" and "funny-shaped" aren't good enough reasons to save a building. Neither is the fact that lots of people have fond memories of the building. Those factors make it worthwhile to put in a little extra thought before demolishing the building, but without a viable long-term plan they just aren't enough to save the building outright. I suppose the building's supporters can hope that some white knight shows up with millions in cash and an offer the University can't refuse, even at this late date. He had better hurry up.


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