Rockin’ Red Robin

By: Mr. Wilson on August 19, 2010
This blog often turns up its nose at national chain restaurants. In my case I do that not because I see myself as too cool for chains, but because I frequently prefer local restaurants for their food, service or atmosphere, or because all else being equal I prefer to support local outfits over regional or national ones. That doesn't mean I rule out chains altogether. Not even close. Some chains are quite excellent. (And as Fletch always reminds us, many so-called "chain" businesses are in fact locally owned and operated!) This morning I want to give a shout-out to one particular chain restaurant that lately has served The Wilsons well. As per our tradition on Wednesday evenings, last night we went out to eat. We chose Red Robin (27th and Pine Lake) in large part because two of our kids happened to see it earlier in the day. Red Robin works out well for us for several reasons: our kids don't have to be pin-drop quiet; there's a decent selection of kids' items with several reasonably healthy sides; there are a couple video games for emergency kid distraction; service is kid-friendly; and they do the kids' menu / crayons / balloon trifecta. (Translation: if you aren't kid-tolerant, stay away.) One thing last night really made me pleased. Two of our kids have small appetites. We knew getting each one a meal would be a waste. Therefore we ordered a single kids' meal for the both of them. The normal routine at restaurants is to receive the food on a single plate; ask for a separate plate; then try to divide up the food evenly so everybody's share is fair. Last night, however, Red Robin scored a winner. They brought out two of everything, already pre-split into exact halves. As far as the kids knew they had each received their very own meal. No muss, no fuss. It seems obvious, doesn't it? Yet those who have ordered shared items at restaurants know most restaurants don't handle such requests with grace. As a bonus, it just so happened that the meal they ordered (macaroni and cheese) was "bottomless". That's right, even though it was a split meal they still got to ask for seconds if they wanted to. Very cool. So cheers to you, Red Robin. Here's hoping more restaurants steal some of your ideas. In Red Robin's honor I present this nifty mashup:


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August 19, 2010 at 2:51PM

The Banzi Burger is my absolute favorite. I tried to recreate it at home and was not successful.

It was really great of them to split the kids meal for the kids. Also, I like that they have options for sides so the kids don’t have to have fries if they don’t want them.

August 19, 2010 at 6:12PM

It’s a favorite with us as well.  Of course my 3 year old calls it Birdie, but we love it for all the same reasons.  We had a frozen corn dog one time.  Not a huge deal, but they comped all the kids meals and drinks.

Not necessary, but it was nice to see what it would be like to pay a tab with just my wife and I again.

August 19, 2010 at 7:00PM

Would you please have a word with my wife?

She doesn’t care much for the food. I need a Blue Ribbon Burger. And I need it soon!

August 19, 2010 at 7:22PM

I love Red Robin, but they’ve gotten expensive!  $10-11 for a hamburger is a little steep.

August 19, 2010 at 7:28PM

I thought so too, but a hamburger, fries and a drink at 5 Guys is just as much!  Plus there is nothing better than never ending fries!!!

August 20, 2010 at 3:36AM

Where are these restaurants that kids have to be “pin-drop quiet”?  Don’t all restaurants now have the open spaces with the high no-acoustic-tile ceilings?

I would love to find a reasonably priced restaurant that I don’t need to shout for my wife to hear me.

August 20, 2010 at 12:57PM

I always get their fish and chips, I’ve never had anything else there.

August 20, 2010 at 7:39PM

I agree, their fish (Salmon) and chips are awesome!

August 23, 2010 at 3:27PM

Red Robin will let you get a ‘small’ burger (according to my Men’s Health from last month), but you have to ask for it.

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