Remember That Other Big Project Downtown?

By: Mr. Wilson on August 30, 2010
Matt Olberding's post about Chipotle moving one block east brings up the topic of Catalyst One. Remember that one? You're forgiven if you had forgotten. It has been over four years since a "huge" project at 14th and Q was first announced. Chipotle's pending move is -- I hope -- a good sign. It signals a bit of faith from the folks at Chipotle that their building will actually be torn down. That, or they're just tired of the uncertainty surrounding their current building and they want to go someplace more stable. Let's hope it's the former. I'm having a bit of a hard time picturing exactly how the building that will house Chipotle is going to be set up. I hope it includes an outdoor seating area of some sort. I'm sure it will. Outdoor dining space is pretty well standard these days in Downtown.


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September 3, 2010 at 1:19PM

I know this isn’t related to Chipotle or the 14th street project, but this did catch my attention.  Maybe the 14th Street project didn’t go through because it can’t get a financial break…

“It’s been made even more difficult, at least downtown, by the fact that funding has dried up for the Downtown Civic Ventures fund, which was meant to help attract retailers to P and Q streets.

When Panera Bread opened last summer, it received $35,000 in the form of a forgivable loan to help with improvements.

But Uland said there is no money now to help tenants like Wireless Zone or Qdoba.

He said a combination of the economic downturn and money going to other causes, such as promoting the arena, has prevented the DLA from being able to “fully fund our strategy.”“

Glad they used that money towards promoting the Arena!

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