Recess Was a Success! Tomorrow: Ribs

By: Mr. Wilson on August 8, 2007
Well that was fun! Thanks to everybody who showed up to the very first (and certainly not last) Lincoln Recess. I think there were ten of us, plus two random dudes from Wells Fargo who joined us for a couple rounds of jump rope. Oh, and raspberries to Mr. T who decided to show up five minutes after the rest of us had headed back to our offices. You can find photos of the event over at Flickr under the tag lincolnrecess. Don't forget, Ribfest starts tomorrow. I'll plan to be there at noon. More info (such as a meeting location) in the morning. Thanks again, everyone!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 9, 2007 at 2:46AM

made a little vid with some of the pics.

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