Recent Run-Ins

By: Mr. Wilson on March 10, 2008
One of the things I love about Lincoln is the ability to randomly run into people you know (or who know you) at any time. Of course, that can also be a bad thing, depending on who you are, what you're up to, and what sort of mood you're in. Overall, I think it's fun. I like the possibility that, at any moment, I could run into the mom of a kid I played soccer with back in elementary school. For example, in the past month, I've met three Journal Star employees who happen to read Lincolnite. It seems Lincolnite is fairly widely read over on P Street. (Actually, I already knew that from looking at my visitor stats, but it's nice to meet folks face-to-face.) So "Hi!" to all of you LJS'ers, and to those of you I met recently, thanks for introducing yourselves. In another example, on Saturday I ran into a guy I went to high school with. He came up to me and said, "You're Brent, right?" His face was familiar, but I couldn't quite trace it under his beard. Well there was my problem; I was trying to picture him without a beard, but he went with the Grizzly Adams look in high school, too. As soon as he told me that I instantly remembered things about him. We weren't in the same social group, but even in a graduating class of 600 we managed to remember bits and pieces about each other. The story gets better. That night I told The Missus who I had run into. She hadn't known him, so the conversation didn't go very far. The next day, The Missus took Robbie on some errands. At one stop, Robbie started pointing to the car next to them while babbling something. The Missus couldn't understand him, so she looked in the general direction he was pointing. She never did figure out what he was talking about, but she did see a binder in the backseat of the car with a "Hello my name is..." sticker on it. The name on the sticker? Yep, it was the name of the guy I ran into the previous day. Are you a fan of random run-ins in Lincoln? Or are you like my mother-in-law who, prior to moving away, thought it was a little creepy? (Now that she lives in a much bigger city, she says she misses the chance of seeing people she knows. But every time she comes back to town for a visit she sees an old friend or two.)


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 10, 2008 at 3:23PM

How about this?  I originally got hooked on your blog BECAUSE I knew you & the Missus from high school, & this past week I had a conversation with a LJS friend about one of your posts 😊  A double whammy!

Yes - I love being able to reminsice whenever I bump into old friends.  But Lincoln’s also just big enough so you run into new people & make new memories every day!

March 10, 2008 at 3:56PM

That’s one of the things I love about being a lifelong resident of Lincoln.

March 10, 2008 at 6:05PM

O’Rourke’s is really good for that.

March 11, 2008 at 4:22AM

So true!  My first “run in” with a fellow blogger was at O’Rourke’s.  I was approached by a man who addressed me by first and last name, and said I was “famous on the internet.”  My mind immediately wandered to wild parties of years past and panicked that some awful photo might be on the internets… No, it was sockrider, who recognized me from having clicked over from the FFL Lincoln biking blog.  He gifted me with a Nebraska Skate Parks sticker, and I have recognized him every time since.  😊

Karin Dalziel
March 11, 2008 at 5:55PM

When I moved here, I found it creepy. I’m just now getting used to it.

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