Prepare Your Protests

By: Mr. Wilson on May 30, 2006
New property tax valuations are supposed to be mailed today. If you are eager, you can get your valuation information on the Assessor's website. I should warn you, though, that the website appears to be running extremely slow right now. I won't be filing a protest of my valuation. The value they have listed for the Wilson house is more than we paid for the house two years ago, and it is much higher than the previous valuation, but I think it is a fair number. In fact, based on my limited research into current sales of similar homes I could make the argument that the valuation is a hair on the low side. But I won't do that. How does your valuation look? Anybody planning a protest?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 30, 2006 at 5:36PM

Nope. My taxes for this last year are already paid, and next years are in escrow. Considering the amount of improvements that were done on the house I just bought, Im suprised its as low as it is. The more neighbors I talk to, the more they tell me about the old siding colors or the uncarpted rickety stairs.

May 30, 2006 at 8:40PM

My only complaint is our property taxes are just too high!!  No complaint about my valuation.  Like Wilson said, probably on the low side, so nothing to complain about.  Plus, my ‘unfinished basement’ isn’t quite what the county thinks.

May 31, 2006 at 12:39PM

I’m in the process of selling a house and buying another, so I have some footing for a complaint if the valuations are considerably different than market value.  We probably won’t protest the house we’re selling, but we may look at a protest for the house we’re buying but only if it’s considerably higher than what we paid.

June 3, 2006 at 5:45PM

Mine finally went up to what we paid for it 2 years ago. But only the land value went up - was that the case for others? We’ve made some improvements to the house itself, but not visible improvements, so I guess it’s not surprising.

June 5, 2006 at 1:39PM

Got mine in the mail.  Our value only went up 6.2 percent.  Kind of surprising.

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