One City, Three School Districts

By: Mr. Wilson on April 13, 2006
A white district, a brown district, and a black district. It's an entire rainbow of fun up in Omaha. I just can't get over it: a race-based, Ernie Chambers-endorsed school district resegregation plan just flew through the Unicameral. Bizarro. As long as we're dividing school districts, let's do Lincoln. How would you divide up Lincoln into three screwed up districts (not necessarily by race)? I think my (extremely rough) plan would look like:
  1. Everything north of 'O' Street and west of 70th Street
  2. Everything south of Old Cheney Road plus everything east of 84th Street
  3. All the rest


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
April 13, 2006 at 11:35PM

Please don’t give our senators anymore segregation ideas. Remember, Chambers and Raikes haven’t been term-limited out yet.

April 14, 2006 at 3:05AM

If OPS would keep their grubby hands off District 66, Millard, Elkhorn, and Ralston school districts we wouldn’t have this problem. OPS laid down the race card first. For OPS it is a case of be careful what you ask for.

Mr. T
April 14, 2006 at 12:24PM

But I don

April 14, 2006 at 4:28PM

When OPS first made the decision to take over the schools, they did so stating simply that since these school districts are in our city’s boundaries, we should control them.

Once District 66 (Westside), Millard, Ralston, and Elkhorn found out what OPS was trying to do, they cried foul, and rightfully so.

OPS then had to come up with “better reasons” for public support for the takeover, included in that package was the forced busing/integration, because integration is good and segregation is bad. Whether it’s the media’s fault for blowing this up or OPS’s fault makes no difference.

Now the bill is signed into law, it goes into effect 2008. Do I honestly think it will go into effect as is? No. Gov. Heineman doesn’t think it will either. He’s happy to sign it, because it will force OPS to do something, anything to solve this issue. If OPS doesn’t, then that’s their problem (plus this sucker will get held up in the courts, biding more time for OPS).

I’m happy to see that this pretty much prevents OPS from taking over all the schools within Omaha City Limits. I’m OK with the status quo, but say that because I have no connection to OPS or any other district, and don’t have any kids attending school anytime soon. I do like how LPS had open enrollment during my time, so that you could pretty much attend any school you wanted, but realize that would not work here in Omaha and we’d still have to solve the same issues. As for solution, I don

April 14, 2006 at 6:15PM

I forgot to mention the main reason why I am against the “One City, One School District.”

OPS has problems. Granted the other school districts have issues too, but I would hate for the non-OPS school districts to have OPS’s issues spill over into their districts.

April 16, 2006 at 10:46PM

Im sorry, but I fail to see how this is segregation in any sense other than people are going to live and go to school where they live. Forced bussing was a joke in OPS and expensive-imagine how much of that money could have been spent on the schools that don’t get the benefits that those evil rich people schools do in the outlying districts. If I live somewhere Im going to pay for whats local to me. Its ludicrous to cry wahhh just because the Elkhorn district has more money to spend or nicer stuff just because you are looking from the outside in. They have every right to live and absord the cost of commuting if they want to, and if some of that cost is the money leaving OPS, so be it. The local parents should have bucked up a long time ago and handled this.

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