On Patrol

By: Mr. Wilson on August 29, 2006
UNL is never going to catch up to Texas in the party school rankings if LPD's party patrol keeps cracking down every weekend. *sigh* I guess that's another championship UT can hold over our heads. (I don't have to point out that my tongue is planted firmly in cheek, do I? Good.)


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 30, 2006 at 3:41PM

Aw, my comment didn’t save yesterday.

I said something about how “disorderly house” is too vague a term, and we need to be careful to distinguish the unlawful (MIP’s) from the vaguly annoying. Semi loud music (that is, you can’t hear it if your windows are closed) is acceptable some of the time.

One thing I try to remember is that there may be times when I want my neighbors to look the other way- like when I “forget” to mow one week, or accidentally leave the trash out too long, or have expired plates on my car for a week or two. Unless something is really unbearable, and happens frequently it’s best for the cops not to be involved.

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