Occupy’s Eviction

By: Mr. Wilson on January 18, 2012
Occupy Lincoln's days are numbered. The City has told the Occupy folks to be gone by March 1 in order to make way for construction equipment for the upcoming Centennial Mall renovation. It's not yet clear how they will react to their upcoming eviction. The City of Lincoln has been very patient with Occupy Lincoln so far. Not that they have much choice -- City ordinance doesn't outright forbid camping in public right of ways which, for whatever reason, is how Centennial Mall is classified. It will be interesting to see what happens next. No doubt the protesters will put up a bit of a fight. They'll want the headlines to make ... well, whatever point it is they think they're making. But unless LPD goes in with unrestrained violence, I can't imagine any of those headlines having an effect anywhere near what the protesters would hope. I wonder, are there other "unexpected" public right of ways where the protesters could go instead? Will they switch to a different type of protest? I guess we'll wait and see.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 19, 2012 at 4:01PM

I don’t have a problem with any of the Occupy protests around the country or the one in Lincoln, but I drive by there everyday and I can’t remember the last time actually saw somebody standing out there - at least during rush hour. If they want to “occupy” and protest something it would be a lot more effective if they were actually there.

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