No More Sugary Pop

By: Mr. Wilson on May 4, 2006
LPS and school districts nationwide are ditching regular pop in favor of diet versions, sports drinks, fruit juices, and water. I don't know how much the move will do to decrease childhood obesity (the stated goal), but maybe it will at least cut down on a few of the sugar-induced jitters teachers have to put up with. Then again, sports drinks and fruit juices can have just as much sugar as pop, and students are free to bring pop from home. I had to drive to work today and I caught a portion of the Todd and Tyler Show on Z-92. They touched on this topic, along with the sugary cereal debate. Rather than sounding like a bunch of rebels -- which is supposed to be their image -- they sounded more like cranky old men. "Back in myyyyy day...." When they pulled out the line "Kids these days..." I had to change stations. Will somebody please slap me if (or probably when) I start doing that?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 4, 2006 at 4:05PM

Meh - keeping the fruit juices, sports drinks, etc. is no different than keeping the sugary sodas. They’re one and the same, unless LPS decides to offer only non-sugared versions of these drinks. And that won’t happen because it’s more expensive.

Keith Stieneke
May 7, 2006 at 1:15AM

I think they should ban soda altogether. From research I’ve heard both nutrasweet (aspartame) and splenda are very bad.

Nutrasweet, I heard can turn into methane gas within the human brain. I have heard of several cases of brain tumors in people who drink nutrasweet constantly. This is not something out of the National Enquirer either but if people do their research they can find information to support what I am saying.

Keith Stieneke
May 7, 2006 at 1:19AM

I also think that we should have more concern for the children and adults than let them continue drinking soda at all.

BTW, the URL in my last post was not ready for publication. I am scurrying to get the site completed before I promote it.

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