No Moore No More

By: Mr. Wilson on December 15, 2011
LPS's Marilyn Moore says she is going to retire at the end of the school year. Yeah right. I kid, sort of. Ms. Moore just doesn't strike me as the retiring type, if you know what I mean. I don't know her aside from the public persona she's presented over these past quarter century. But based on that, can you imagine her not being actively involved somehow in local education or youth issues? I sure can't. Especially not at the young age of 62. Let's just hope she doesn't run off to warmer climes. It'd be a shame if her years of experience left Lincoln. It's far too early to start saying adios to Ms. Moore, but you can bet we'll be hearing more about her and her contributions as her retirement date approaches. It will also be interesting to see who's in line to replace her. You can be sure that decision will generate plenty of discussion.


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