Nebraska’s Most Infamous Big Man is Back

By: Mr. Wilson on December 21, 2010
I'm posting this only because Mr. T has an unhealthy obsession with the story, and in his absence I guess I have to step up and do the dirty work. Nebraska's most infamous fat man Patrick Deuel is back in the news as part of the Journal Star's "Epilogue" series. For those of you who don't want to read the article for yourselves but who still have a morbid curiosity about what he's up to: he's still fat and he's getting fatter. That pretty much sums it up. I'm not here to judge Mr. Deuel. I don't care that he's fat, nor do I care that he continues to make life decisions that probably should have killed him a long time ago. It's his life and his body. We all make decisions for ourselves that are objectively stupid; the consequences of Mr. Deuel's decisions just happen to be shocking in a way that gets media attention. I'm glad my more mundane stupidity isn't of much interest to folks. There are some good policy discussions to be had relating to the role of government in his health care, but that's not really a topic I want to dive into right now. Feel free to dig into it in the comments, if you like. Seriously, there's some good stuff there. Anyway, there you have it, Mr. T. I know you've been dying for an update.


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December 21, 2010 at 2:54PM

The epilogue that I most look forward to is the one on the day they print their final issue of the paper, and they look back fondly at the life and times of print media.

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