Nebraskans are Wired. Sort of.

By: Mr. Wilson on December 12, 2005
The Journal Star reports that Nebraska is in the top half of states in terms of households with internet access. We sit at 23rd among the states. What really caught my eye was the statistic that only 55 percent of Nebraska households have internet access. 55 percent. I can't believe nearly one-half of Nebraska's households don't have internet access. Clearly I have been a spoiled, spoiled man.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Joshua Wiltshire
December 12, 2005 at 5:59PM

At first, I read the title to be “Nebraskans are Weird”.  That may have made for a more interesting story.  I’ve had an internet connection at home ever since I started high school, about 8 years ago.  When I moved into my apartment this fall, I had to spend three weeks without.  I went to the nearby Panera everyday to check emails, rss feeds, etc.

Mr. Wilson
December 12, 2005 at 6:23PM

You want a “Nebraskans are Weird” story? OK, I can do that. I’ll add it to my to-do list. In fact, I’m a little surprised it’s not already on there. I’ve already got half the article written in my head…

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