Neal O No!

By: Mr. Wilson on October 24, 2011
Love 'em or hate 'em, Neal Obermeyer's cartoons will no longer be printed in the Lincoln Journal Star. Mr. Obermeyer didn't give a reason, although he did note that he didn't know it was coming. I suppose that means we're free to concoct our own crazy theories explaining the cartoon's end. I like to imagine it involves dirty backroom pressure applied by the likes of Jon Bruning, Dave Heineman, and the rest of Neal's most popular caricatures. In reality it was probably brought on by something boring like budget cuts. Incidentally, Neal's final cartoon talks about incoherence: Neal Obermeyer cartoon That seems like an appropriate way for Obermeyer to go out, doesn't it? (I kid, Neal! I kid!)


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Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
October 24, 2011 at 9:34PM

That means I am going to have to read more!  This really stinks…everything I know politically has just been upended.  I will deeply miss this just as I miss not having the comic strip page of the news paper on a daily basis.  Thank goodness there is this internet thing!  Maybe Mr. Obermeyer has a cartoon blog we can follow?

Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
October 24, 2011 at 9:36PM

oh well would you look at that…Click the picture and it takes you to the site…how convenient!

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