My Tilt

By: Mr. Wilson on April 24, 2006
Last week's Tilt post generated a decent amount of conversation, and that conversation got me thinking about my own biases and how people perceive me. Most of you have never met me and don't really know who I am, and yet you probably have a number of preconceptions about me. I would love to know what some of those preconceptions are, so if you don't mind humoring me, I'd appreciate if you would answer these questions. There are no right or wrong answers, only your perceptions. (Note to folks who know me well: Please don't answer the "factual" questions. It's not that I don't want the facts to get out, it's just that I don't want to bias other respondents' perceptions too early in the process.)
  1. How old am I?
  2. What is my approximate income?
  3. Approximately where in Lincoln do I live?
  4. What is my religion?
  5. Which political party is listed on my voter registration card?
  6. On economic issues, do I lean left or right?
  7. On social issues, do I lean left or right?
  8. What is my opinion of the death penalty?
  9. What is my opinion of abortion?
  10. What is my opinion of immigration?
  11. What is my opinion of banning concealed weapons in Lincoln?
  12. Dave Heineman, Pete Ricketts, and Ernie Chambers are in separate carnival-style dunking booths. I have only one baseball to throw. Who do I dunk, and why?
  13. I have to leave the country for 10 years, but before I go I can eat at one Lincoln restaurant. Which restaurant do I choose, and why?
  14. Describe me in five words or less.
  15. Dogs or cats?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 24, 2006 at 1:44PM

1. How old am I? 26.7
  2. What is my approximate income? $31,501.02
  3. Approximately where in Lincoln do I live? 35th and Mohawk
  4. What is my religion? scientologist
  5. Which political party is listed on my voter registration card? independant
  6. On economic issues, do I lean left or right? right
  7. On social issues, do I lean left or right? left
  8. What is my opinion of the death penalty? anti
  9. What is my opinion of abortion? anti
  10. What is my opinion of immigration? meh…
  11. What is my opinion of banning concealed weapons in Lincoln? pro
  12. Dave Heineman, Pete Ricketts, and Ernie Chambers are in separate carnival-style dunking booths. I have only one baseball to throw. Who do I dunk, and why? rickets, he is a douche
  13. I have to leave the country for 10 years, but before I go I can eat at one Lincoln restaurant. Which restaurant do I choose, and why? runza, cuz they have beef twinkies 😉 (The Oven)
  14. Describe me in five words or less. home grown web dude guy
  15. Dogs or cats? dogs (oh please please be a dog guy)

Plain Patriot
April 24, 2006 at 2:15PM

Mr. Wilson,

Will the real answers to these questions be answered at a later date?

Mr. Wilson
April 24, 2006 at 2:22PM

Well to be honest, most of them already have been answered. But yeah, I’ll answer most of them at some point.

April 24, 2006 at 3:13PM

1. How old am I? 29
  2. What is my approximate income? 40,000, but some of that is an educational stipend from the VA
  3. Approximately where in Lincoln do I live? 12th and F
  4. What is my religion? Secular Humanist
  5. Which political party is listed on my voter registration card? Independant
  6. On economic issues, do I lean left or right? Right

  7. On social issues, do I lean left or right?Left
  8. What is my opinion of the death penalty?Pro in limited cases
  9. What is my opinion of abortion? Pro in limited cases
  10. What is my opinion of immigration? Current policy is ineffective and bloated
  11. What is my opinion of banning concealed weapons in Lincoln? Anti; we arent a bunch of Yahoos, you know. Those that appreciate the law and follow through are not going to be the problem.
  12. Dave Heineman, Pete Ricketts, and Ernie Chambers are in separate carnival-style dunking booths. I have only one baseball to throw. Who do I dunk, and why? I would use my multi tool and split the ball into three pieces. Ernie is pro Ernie in my opinion. Ricketts, well, I don’t know a lot about him, but why should he stay dry? Dave-to compliant with the will of the political wind.
  13. I have to leave the country for 10 years, but before I go I can eat at one Lincoln restaurant. Which restaurant do I choose, and why? Shari-Punjab. Its relatively inexpensive and just really great food and service.
  14. Describe me in five words or less.” Computer!? What did he DO?
  15. Dogs or cats? cats.

April 24, 2006 at 4:16PM

1. Approx 65-70
2. Retired
3. 25th and newbury lane
4. unknown
5. unknown
6. unknown
7. unknown
8. if it get’s rid of that damn kid, sure.
9. Abortion is good in only one case…
10. We can ship that kid of to mexico.
11. A concealed weapon…that will keep him out of my flower bed.
12. I don’t know who they are but I’d sure love to put that kid unerwater a couple times.
13.  I’d get out as fast as I can.
15.  Cats.  All old people like cats.

Mr. T
April 24, 2006 at 11:19PM

12. It should be Ricketts since he’s just a rich kid trying to buy a congressional seat, but knowing you you will choose Ernie.

13. Toss-up between Don & Millie’s and Oso.

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