My First Trip to the Trago Park Sprayground

By: Mr. Wilson on August 20, 2010
I made my first trip to the Trago Park sprayground last night with the family. They all had been there before so I knew the basics of what to expect. Still, seeing is believing. Robbie at Trago Park We were at the park with Lincoln Berean's Adoptive Families Support Group, which The Missus helps lead. It's a pretty diverse group -- international adoptions, domestic adoptions, foster adoptions, foster kids -- so if you're interested in that sort of thing give us a holler. The group is associated with a church so there is a religious component, but there is not a particularly heavy religious emphasis. If you're interested in an adoption group but you're not the religious type, I think it's still worth giving the group a shot. Trago Park Sprayground As for the park, it's pretty nifty. It's basically a simple playground on the outside. In the middle are a bunch of water features -- misters, bubblers, sprinklers, and that sort of thing. Kids really seem to dig it and it's easy to see why. It's perfect for hot summer days. Unfortunately, although I took dozens of photographs last night I just realized that I can't post the vast majority of them. Most include our foster kids and I don't think I'm supposed to be sticking their little faces all over the web. Maybe one of these days I'll have permission to do that. For now you'll just have to imagine them and the playground equipment they were playing on. Anyway, my point is that the Trago Park sprayground is pretty impressive. I suspect Lincoln could support a couple more throughout town. If we have the cash for it, of course.


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