Men at Work

By: Mr. Wilson on January 4, 2008
You know how sometimes when you drive through a road construction zone day after day, and it seems like nothing ever gets done? I don't get that feeling while I drive through the construction on I-80 between Lincoln and Omaha. And in fact, the builder is 274 days ahead of schedule. Here's hoping they keep up that pace all the way to Lincoln.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Dave K
January 4, 2008 at 3:16PM

I read a story in the OWH that widening construction between Omaha and Lincoln is pretty much done.  If I recall correctly, it wasn’t supposed to be done until 2012 (maybe that was how long it was going to take until it’s done through York).  Either way, this has been an impressively run project and should be a model for others.

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