Mayberry Goes Hollywood

By: Mr. Wilson on March 6, 2012
10/11's headline absolutely slayed me: Keno Bill Is A No Go - While Nebraska Could Be The Next Hollywood Ignore the first part, it's the Hollywood portion that's priceless. The Unicameral advanced LB863, a bill designed to make it easier to shovel taxpayer dollars into film projects. That, apparently, is going to turn Tecumseh into tinseltown. I can't help but think of a particular Andy Griffith Show episode: Plenty of states and localities have tried to lure "Hollywood" over the years. It's an arms race of sorts. Heck, it's not even just a domestic issue; countries around the world have gotten into the act. But like all economic development arms races, the results far too often don't match up to the promises. (Ask Kearney how that Archway panned out, for one example.) In short no, 10/11, Nebraska is most certainly not going to be the next Hollywood. Reality just doesn't work that way.


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March 6, 2012 at 3:51PM

I’ve been an anti-Archway guy from the get-go, but it did get into a movie. Ironic.

Mr. Wilson
March 6, 2012 at 4:20PM

For those wondering, here’s the clip from About Schmidt. The relevant portion lasts about a minute.

Mr. T
March 6, 2012 at 7:13PM

I take a less cynical view. I think the unicam is in a position where they have to make film-making in Nebraska at least as welcome here as it would be in other states, which is just a matter of making sure those comparable incentives are in place. I doubt anyone honestly believes that this means Nebraska will suddenly become “tinsel town” and any politician or media outlet that would suggest such is just engaged in hype.

March 6, 2012 at 7:25PM

I don’t have any issues with them wanting to make it a friendly place for filming and give some incentives. I just hope people have realistic expectations of any potential outcome.

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