Lincolnites Like Their Docs

By: Mr. Wilson on November 15, 2007
Kudos go to Lincoln's physicians and hospitals, considering Lincoln's first-place finish in a healthcare satisfaction survey conducted by National Research. An impressive 83.74% of Lincolnites rated their last hospital, ER, or clinic visit as "excellent" or "very good". Add in another 11.78% ranking it "good" and that leaves only about a 5% rate of "fair" and "poor" experiences. Here's the big question, though: What makes Lincoln's healthcare satisfaction so high? Are our physicians, nurses, and facilities just that good? Are we less likely to complain about poor experiences, even in an anonymous survey? For what it's worth, I've only had one truly bad experience with a physician in Lincoln. I had a terrible case of the flu and my longtime family physician had just retired. I went to his old clinic and ... well, I've never been back. Every other experience has been, at worst, "good". Even at places like LincCare, where once a doctor took one look at me, tore up my check, and ordered me to get my butt to an emergency room. (I spent the rest of the night hooked up to IVs in the Bryan East ER.)


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