Lincoln Neighborhood Alliance Grades City Council Candidates

By: Mr. Wilson on April 28, 2005
Today the Lincoln Neighborhood Alliance released its report card for City Council candidates. The grades were based on a survey (PDF) distributed to the six finalists. The grades are:
  • Terry Werner: A
  • Dan Marvin: A
  • Shawn Traudt: B
  • Ken Svoboda: C
  • Robin Eschliman: C
  • Mark Koller: D
Even a cursory glance at the grades makes one thing clear: the Lincoln Neighborhood Alliance is biased toward more liberal candidates. That isn't at all surprising. The political scene in Lincoln has for several years been painted as a battle between "business" and "neighborhoods," with "business" acting as a proxy for Republicans and "neighborhoods" for Democrats. It's a false dichotomy, of course, but it remains a popular division. If I get more time I'll try to fill out the survey on my own. I glanced at it, but I haven't had time yet to actually write in my responses.


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