Lincoln Loves Ron Paul

By: Mr. Wilson on July 17, 2007
Apparently somebody in Lincoln is ga-ga over Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul. Have you noticed? There are hand-made signs posted all over town. Ron Paul has quite the following on the web, but his "real world" allure has been overshadowed by the public's love for all things Clinton-Obama-Giuliani (etc.). To see some of the online excitement bleed onto Lincoln's streets is kind of amusing. Who knows, maybe Lincoln will vote Paul in next year's primary. Well, no, probably not. Ron Paul doesn't stand a chance for two simple reasons: he isn't promising anybody any freebies, and he plans to solve problems by doing nothing rather than something. To Americans, "free" stuff = good, and inaction = bad. Paul has his work cut out for him if he wants to change those equations.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 17, 2007 at 12:37PM

It’s funny you should mention that. We saw hand-spray painted signs around the neighborhood so it was a good lesson for the kids to look up who the heck Ron Paul is.

He’s a straight talker but that usually doesn’t equate into votes.

I think his Lincoln support team might be breaking a few laws with the signs on light poles and in the right of way, but as long as they aren’t caught, I guess they’re OK.

July 17, 2007 at 12:45PM

He’s a quack and barely registers a blip on the radar. Even if he’s got some great ideas hiding in there, his quackiness will overshadow them, and the cuteness of the people doing the handpainted signs and spamming every internet poll on his behalf will fade away. He’s like a Republican Howard Dean with lots less supporters (a nut job). However, I don’t think you have to promise freebies just to win anything.

July 17, 2007 at 2:09PM

True and true, however it is an effective tool in this way - my coworkers were talking about the signs last Friday. No one knew who he was, so we Googled him. Now there are 6-7 people who are much more aware of him. His campaign spent about $0 for that. Clinton-Obama-Giuliani (etc.) probably spent a collective 50 Million in the past quarter and we’ve never discussed any of THEM at work.

Will that translate to votes? Nah. I doubt it. But the price is right if you are trying to push an agenda of some sort.

July 17, 2007 at 2:38PM

I think the signs were hilarious, and agreed that it creates good buzz. He claims to be a libertarian, and i think I would profess to be closest to aligning with the libertarians, and I think he’s a whack job anyway. LOL

July 17, 2007 at 3:01PM

I know who it is and I told my wife to give him crap next time she sees him. Not a chance, but hey, the third party dream lives on.

Mrs CU
July 17, 2007 at 3:56PM

ok, I hate to admit this, but the first time I saw one of the signs on a light pole I thought it was some high schooler who was going to run for class president.

July 17, 2007 at 3:57PM

It must not only be in Lincoln.  I saw this in my morning reading of the Oregonian…........

From Monday morning’s New York Times’ piece on presidential fundraising, here’s the breakdown from Oregon:

Mitt Romney (R)——326,610
John Edwards (D)——208,447
Hillary Clinton (D)——126, 888
Barack Obama (D)——115,920
John McCain (R)——75,605
Rudy Giuliani (R)——70,400
Bill Richardson (D)——42,865
Ron Paul (R)——22,225
Dennis Kucinich (D)——9,566
Sam Brownback (R)——6,735
Dennis Hunter (R)——2,200
Mike Huckabee (R)——250
Joe Biden (D)——250
Chris Dodd (D)——0
Tommy Thompson (R)——0
James Gilmore (R)——0

July 17, 2007 at 7:10PM

The first time I saw those jinky spray painted signs attached to light poles with duct tape, I thought some coffee club was nominating one of their regulars to run for president.  Who knew?

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