Lincoln Airport in the News

By: Mr. Wilson on October 24, 2008
The Lincoln Airport is in the news a couple times this morning. First, the airport lost $3.15 million this year. That's a $600,000 "improvement" over last year. The big news appears to be that the airport's industrial park is doing quite well. In other news, the Airport Authority voted to spend about $90k to build an addition to the south end of the terminal so that security screening is out of view. It seems like a couple thousand dollars worth of cubicle walls might have done the trick just as well. Supposedly the airport "has gotten complaints" about the current security setup. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'll bet it has something to do with people not wanting their underwear on display. Fair enough. But personally, I like having the security personnel in full view. It keeps them honest, and it helps ensure that baggage is properly handled for at least a small portion of its journey.


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