Lincoln: A Regular High-Fiber City

By: Mr. Wilson on April 1, 2011
So Lincoln didn't win the opportunity to host Google's new ridiculously-fast fiber network. That goes instead to Kansas City, Kansas. A bummer for sure, but not the least bit surprising. Many communities were vying for the opportunity. Although Lincoln has a lot going for it, our odds were never very high. That's the bad news. The good news is Lincoln is getting a city-wide high-speed fiber optic network all its own. We're just going to build it ourselves. I was first contacted about this possibility a couple months ago. I brushed it aside because, frankly, Lincoln has enough things on its plate already. Surely City officials weren't working on something as huge as this while also dealing with Antelope Valley, the arena, budget problems, and all the other goings-on in town. In fact they have been working on it, and they're set to make a formal announcement early next week, probably Tuesday. Here's what I know. The effort is a big, multi-organizational effort. And by "multi" I mean it: the City; Lancaster County; UNL; Nebraska Wesleyan; Lincoln Public Schools; Nelnet; Union Bank; and many others. It's an absolutely huge public-private partnership; Haymarket Park ain't got nothin' on this effort. The colleges are on board to help provide students (on and off campus) with new learning opportunities; LPS is there to help get all of its students online; the corporate partners are participating for a variety of strategic and competitive reasons (as you might imagine). And the tech partner? Verizon. That's right, Time Warner can go jump off a cliff. The network Verizon is going to build is the coyote that finally obliterates Time Warner's Road Runner. Many questions remain unanswered for me, and I'm sure even next week's announcement won't fill in all the gaps. As it turns out I know several people involved, at various levels. Considering how many partners there are, you probably know your fair share as well. I suggest you start badgering them. It took me a lot of prodding to get any information from the folks I know. But they're excited, and over the weeks I got a couple of them to tell me bits and pieces. Their excitement is contagious. From what I understand, the target date for completion of the network is 2016. A long time from now, sure, but this is a huge project. I can't imagine all the logistics that need to be dealt with. The first areas to go online will be those nearest downtown and the campuses of the participating colleges. That's similar to how Road Runner was first rolled out; back when it first came to town I was able to get connected at my apartment on 23rd and T long before my parents (35th and Old Cheney) could sign up. I'm thrilled about the implications of this move, sure. But you know what excites me more? I'm positively ecstatic that local government, corporate, and organizational leaders are coming together to do something truly historic. That's where we benefit most. Lincoln was recently named second-happiest city in the U.S. by Gallup. I suspect next year we will have moved up a notch.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 1, 2011 at 1:28PM

If only, sir. If only.

April 1, 2011 at 1:30PM

Love the ide by the way. Buy a domain, park a web page about it and see if you can “make it so”. Stranger things have started that way.

April 1, 2011 at 1:58PM

Well played.

April 1, 2011 at 2:00PM

Happy April Fool’s Day???

April 1, 2011 at 2:55PM

You should have disabled comments for a day or so on this, so the commenters didn’t give it away.

April 1, 2011 at 3:01PM

Hoping this is not an April Fools prank!

April 1, 2011 at 3:15PM

Just talked to some folks “in the know.” Please pass me the crow, and I’ll have a side of shoe leather to go with it. Apparently this may be closer to the truth than I would have guessed.

Color me surprised!

Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
April 2, 2011 at 3:55AM

uh, no to point out the obvious….But downtown Lincoln is already has dark fiber there.  And Lincoln and Omaha have been on the Level 3 (LVLT) fiber backbone for years now. 

Not to crush this…but yeah…it is available already, time warner’s backbone is fiber, all the cell phone traffic’s backbone is fiber.  your cable/DSL/whatever is just a last mile thing to your house or business.  If you have the money…they can run fiber right to your door also.

April 2, 2011 at 1:07PM

Did nobody notice the bold letters? 😊

April 2, 2011 at 8:56PM

As a matter of fact, no I didn’t.  thanks for the help

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