Latest Media Bias

By: Mr. Wilson on April 28, 2005
The AP is at it again:
The House passed a bill yesterday that would make it illegal to dodge parental-consent laws by taking minors across state lines for abortions, the latest effort to chip away at abortion rights after Republican gains in the November elections.
The mainstream media often wonder why they are perceived as biased. Phrases like the one I emphasized above are one reason. [Edited to add: Oh by the way, I think the law in question is a pile of Republican dung. But that's for another post.]


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
April 28, 2005 at 6:04PM

Reading the article it looks like the bill was supported by both sides of the aisle. yes it was primarily Repugnicans, but some Democraps also supported it.

Mr. Wilson
April 28, 2005 at 9:21PM

In some ways it makes sense that Democrats would support the bill. They like sticking their noses where their noses don’t belong.

This is a bizarre bill, though, it really is. Let’s boil it down to the basics: Citizen John Doe is prohibited from traveling from State A to State B in order to conduct business that is legal in State B, but illegal in State A. Not only is that act illegal, it’s a federal offense. It doesn’t take much of an imagination to see how this could set a pretty rotten precedent. You’re a Nebraskan and you want to gamble in Iowa? Sorry, buddy, that’s a federal offense. Want to go hunting in South Dakota for game that are out of season in Nebraska? Nope, that’s a federal offense too.

I can’t wait to see the consequences this precedent could have on gay marriage.

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