It’s Amazing What a Little Paint and a Mop Can Do

By: Mr. Wilson on August 30, 2007
I love Schlotzsky's. I could eat there every week, easily. Unfortunately, ever since the location at 33rd and Pioneers closed, we Lincolnites have been stuck with only one impossible-to-access location at 27th and Superior. (Aside: The access problems at 27th and Superior are roughly analogous to those proposed by the city at 48th and O. Easy to see why businesses aren't flocking there, no?) In addition, that location isn't the most, umm, attractive or well-maintained location. Compare Lincoln's dive with these nifty locations. Fortunately, it looks like my favorite place to eat with my eyes closed is in the midst of a minor makeover. There is new paint (plus wainscoting!) on the walls; new tile is going to be laid; and the whole place just looks fresher. On top of that, the staff were noticeably pleasant and happy when The Missus and I stopped by on Sunday. New management, perhaps? I can't believe there is only one Schlotzsky's in town. It really is a shame. If I had my way, there would be at least three locations in town: one on South 14th or South 27th; one on 84th Street near the new Wal-Mart; and a replacement for the current eyesore somewhere on North 27th (probably closer to the Interstate). I would even throw one in at 48th and O ... assuming that little access problem could be figured out.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 30, 2007 at 6:20PM

I’d like one downtown again. I was surprised that location didn’t last…

August 30, 2007 at 6:31PM

There was one a couple blocks from our house in Colorado years ago. I loved me the Schlotsky’s. Have never once eaten at the one here. Thanks for the reminder!

August 30, 2007 at 6:43PM

I love Schlotsky’s.  I use to eat at the one in the mall all the time in high school.  I never get to the one on 27th street because it is so darn ahrd to get to.  I would rather use my time eating elsewhere.

August 30, 2007 at 6:45PM

Excellent news!

The current Lincoln Schlotzsky

August 30, 2007 at 7:02PM

Schlotzsky’s in Lincoln has never been the same since the original owner of the 4 locations got out of his franchise, sadly. I miss the spot at 33rd and Pioneers. We trek to the north one on occasion, until the restaurant warning appeared in the paper. Not only was the front of the house a dirty mess (paint and cleaning are good), but the back was too (too words: rat droppings). While they clean that place up, the kitchen should get it too! I would love to see a nice Schlotzsky’s crop up again.

Mr. T
August 30, 2007 at 8:02PM

Yeah it would be great if they opened another one up in Lincoln. With the exception of downtown since that already suffers from sandwich overpopulation. If they opened one on south street I would party like a NASA astronaut.

August 30, 2007 at 10:32PM

If you party like a NASA astronaut, do you have do drive a long distance wearing a diaper to do so?

August 31, 2007 at 12:28AM

So how many of you have worked in food service?  The place got a bum inspection, but it would not have deterred me.  Never been much of a cold sammich shop customer though.

I must say that since we got a uber pantry makeover we have not had a single mouse in the house.

Mr. T
August 31, 2007 at 2:26AM

I have experience with a few fried chicken joints, a “Village Inn-like” family place (figure it out), and some here or there help with mom and pop places. Never worked in a straight up sandwich place however. I have read of your battle record previously. Much respect.

August 31, 2007 at 4:33AM

My wife took 8 years off from eating chicken after working at KFC.

10 things

Thing is if you have a level 4 food handler on premise and that person knows the rules the moment a inspector comes in he has to announce themselves and the word spreads.  Larry check the stock room, Jenny make new sanitizer buckets and make sure it says sanitizer on it, Zeek look in the cooler for stuff without dates and throw one on them, Brenda dump the gumbo and get that glass off the shelf there.

Oh man our ice machine had slime in it, I lost a point.  Darn..

Rodent droppings aside they just probably did not have the staff to cover their behinds.

Did they start here?  Still glad they are still around and stepping it up.

Remember they used to have running races.  The bun run 😊

Heard a rumor that when they were about 57th and O st (doozys was there), the glass dome ceiling made the place really hot and just cooling the place made them get out.  Other places put up shades and tinted it I think.  Silly architects.

August 31, 2007 at 3:34PM

Man there used to be a TON of them! That 33rd and Pioneers one, the one in Gateway, the one downtown, the one out around 56th and O, and then the stepchild on 27th. It was a sad day when they went away.

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