Imagine a Cornhusker-Free Lincoln

By: Mr. Wilson on January 20, 2012
Lincoln's Cornhusker Hotel is having all kinds of problems these days, and now it has even lost its Mariott franchise effective February 5. With new competition for the hotel popping up in the Haymarket, the timing couldn't be worse. I realize there are many steps before this could happen, but can you imagine a Cornhusker-free Lincoln? It just wouldn't feel right. The Cornhusker is an institution in Lincoln. Or at least it was when I was growing up. Perhaps now that Downtown's activity has shifted north and west that isn't as true any more. Is it still widely thought of as Lincoln's premier hotel, or has that title shifted over to Embassy Suites? Or does Lincoln even have a premiere hotel? It would be a shame to see The Cornhusker lose its Mariott franchise at a time when it could use some help. Perhaps the investors and such can work something out. There isn't much time to do that, though.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 20, 2012 at 1:51PM

I’ve probably been in the Cornhusker twice in my life, but it did have something of an aura when I was growing up.

January 20, 2012 at 3:07PM

I used to do convention planning, and the Cornhusker was my go-to choice. This was 15 years ago, but I was taken care of very well.

I think it’s still a good property, but the location will take a hit when events leave Pershing and move to the new arena.

With that said, I think most of the current troubles and issues seem to stem from the current ownership and management. Seemed like the place was getting along just fine under the previous owners, even without the aid of the Mariott “flag.” It’s not unlikely that they can find another affiliation, but the parent companies financial problems are a bigger issue.

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