I’m All Ears

By: Mr. Wilson on January 13, 2010
What over-the-air channels should a guy be able to get in Lincoln? I hooked up an antenna to the television last night just to see what I could get. I ended up with 8 (including 8.2), 10 (sometimes), 51, and a couple odd religious channels. I had assumed I'd be able to get NET and perhaps an Omaha station or two. No?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 13, 2010 at 2:44PM

I have a tower antenna next to my house and I get 3, 6.1, 6.2 7.1,7.2,8.1,8.2,10.1,10.2,12.1,12.2,12.3,15.1,15.2,42.1,42,2, and 51.1.

January 13, 2010 at 3:04PM

Click “Choose an antenna” here & enter your address - you’ll get a list of channels you should be able to receive.

Also, there are some nice links here, including 3D Google Maps of broadcast signals - cool!

January 13, 2010 at 3:07PM

Mr. Wilson -
Probably not the ideal place to post this blog observation, but before I forget:

I noticed you didn’t post an end-of-year summary for 2009, as you have in years past.  What gives?

January 13, 2010 at 3:10PM

We ditched cable about a month ago and I have been disappointed with the reception.  I’ve gone through two antennas from Radio Shack and the guy told me people even return the $100+ attic one all the time.

It was a fun family project, but my daughter and I built one together and it works just as well as any that I tried.  In our storage room we have exposed ceiling joists so I just clamped it on and it powers our basement TV fine.

I wasn’t expecting to get every channel but I only get 6.1, 8.1, 8.2, 10.1 (until dark) and a crappy picture from 51.1.

If you figure something out, please let me know.  I live up by 27th and I-80 and have been very disappointed.

January 13, 2010 at 3:26PM

I got my antenna from Zager.  It is supposedly a “Lincoln” tuned antenna that gets the Omaha stations as well as 8 and 10. FWIW, yhey told me that it is important to point it in the proper direction for optimum results.

January 13, 2010 at 4:00PM

Mike -
Most TVs or converter boxes have an “antenna” or “signal” option on the menu, which pretty much gives you a signal strength meter as you manually adjust the antenna.  Depending on where your antenna is located, it may be a 2-person job: one to move the antenna, and one to stand in front of the TV & yell across the house :D

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