Good News, But I Prefer Prevention

By: Mr. Wilson on September 13, 2011
The good news is that taxpayers won't spend a dime to fix any of the Antelope Valley bridges that are already falling apart. The costs will be shouldered entirely by the contractors. The bad news is that this happened in the first place. Mayor Beutler boasted that the City "did exactly what the public asked of us: we insisted on accountability and held the taxpayer harmless". That's partially true. We're all happy for that, Mayor. But what we really want is to not be placed in this position in the first place. How about some accountability for the individuals or systems that failed? These bridges were signed off on, after all. The City said "Yep, these bridges meet our specifications!" when clearly they did not. That's a big problem. Mayor Beutler may think this episode is over, but I disagree. I want some follow-up. How can the taxpayers be assured that this won't happen again?


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