Frightening LJS Comment of the Day

By: Mr. Wilson on July 18, 2007
LJS commenter Jeannette Friesen asks:
With what authority does John Q. Public think we can help our president and the generals decide when to bring our troops home?
Ms. Friesen also wants Senators Hagel and Nelson to "submit to the powers that be". Ignore the question of whether or not we should bail out of Iraq. That's not the point. The beautiful thing about her comment is Ms. Friesen's insistence that The People shut up and just do what The Leader says is best. Seriously folks, don't do that. At any level of government. Ever.


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July 18, 2007 at 1:17PM

Did she forget that we are in the U.S.A not the U.S.S.R.?

July 18, 2007 at 1:49PM

I think we need to give this Iraq thing a chance to work. (sarcasm)

It’s when people defer to leaders with no questions that we end up with eroding civil liberties and diminished personal freedoms. They may seem like good ideas now, but what about when we decide we’d like to have them back?

July 18, 2007 at 2:18PM

To be just slightly contrarian here - we the people did elect W. not once, but twice. That second election was when we were hip-deep in the Iraq mess and any logical person can kind of see that W. is not going to change his mind on the Iraq war. I am all for freedom of speech (kind of why we have a military to fight our battles), but at the end of the day, the decision does rest with the Commander-in-Chief that we the people elected. We the people should have made a change at the election and in upcoming elections if we the people want to make a difference. Be vocal (and civil) and do your part to vote. On the tiny issue of pulling out of (or going into another) war, el President does get to have the ultimate say. Not the 535 slimeballs in the House or the 100 in the Senate. It’s his call. Like it or not, that is kind of how government works.

July 19, 2007 at 2:17PM

are you kiddin, that guy needs help tieing his shoes. 

worst president ever.

he’s an important man, making imoportant decisions.. like who to pardon next, and who to kill off.

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