Friday Night Spotlight: Get Thee to Memorial Stadium

By: Mr. Wilson on August 19, 2005
Everybody who's anybody knows that the place to be on the Friday evening before UNL classes start is Memorial Stadium. Why's that? Why, it's the site of the post-band camp performance by your beloved Cornhusker Marching Band, of course! The annual exhibition gives new and experienced band members alike the chance to perform in front of a large crowd (in the 8,000 to 10,000 range, usually) in preparation for the upcoming season, and it gives band fans a chance to see the band's progress after only one week of rehearsals. The band usually performs Pre-Game and portions of their first half-time show, and they show off a few of the musical and marching fundamentals they've learned so far. The exhibition also features the famous Drill Down, a fun competition in which band members try to be the last to goof up as marching commands are thrown at them progressively quicker. Gates open at 6:30pm and the show starts at 7:00pm. Enter Memorial Stadium through Gate 3 or Gate 11. Both The Missus and I are band vets, so we try to get to the exhibition every year. It's a good time and it's free. You can't go wrong with that combination, right? Here's a tip: the band usually practices their warm-up and march to the stadium prior to the show. If you want to catch that -- I recommend it, especially if you haven't seen it before -- it will probably begin around 6:15pm or 6:30pm outside Westbrook Music Building, which is behind (West of) the Lied Center. On game days they typically begin their warm-up routine outside Westbrook approximately one hour before game time, with their march to the stadium 15-20 minutes later.


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