Friday Five

By: Mr. Wilson on May 12, 2006


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 15, 2006 at 1:27PM

I’m with you on the Ribfest idea!

The art walk on the first Friday of each month is pretty cool too.  You can top it off with some drinks or food downtown.

The Museum of Nebraska History at 15th and P streets is neat too.  It’s suprising how much there is to see.

May 20, 2006 at 12:57AM

I’ll be volunteering at Jazz in June the 6th and the 27th.

You can find me at the Super Sleuth table (I’m not quite sure what that is yet, I assume a kids thing?)

I may be at more, it depends on whether they find enough people. If you volunteer for 2 days, you get a free Tshirt. 😊

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