Friday Five

By: Mr. Wilson on July 14, 2006
Yesterday I mocked Lincoln's Centennial Mall as a veritable toxic waste dump. Today's Friday Five features five things a new Centennial Mall -- they've been talking for years about renovating it -- should feature:
  1. More greenspace. The current pavement-heavy design is very unforgiving in the summer heat.
  2. Less dominant steps. Steps are a great design element. They are great for sitting on, for example. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that there must be steps in the new design. But the current steps overwhelm the Mall, leaving bikers and those in wheelchairs to navigate a confounding maze of inadequate ramps.
  3. More interesting water. Each fountain should have its own character and theme. And one should be a silent pool of shallow water to symbolize the "flat water" of Nebraska. Even cooler: a continuous stream of water connecting all of the fountains (or something simulating such a stream).
  4. More public art. People love interesting public art that they can interact with. Nebraska-themed public art should be a prominent feature. Lump and Bump are a good start, but there needs to be more.
  5. More education. Right now the mall is just a big empty strip. Considering its proximity to the University, the Lincoln Children's Museum, the Nebraska Historical Society, and the State Capitol, the Mall should serve to educate kids and adults about Lincoln and Nebraska.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
July 14, 2006 at 1:34PM

More greenspace.

Yes. There should absolutely be more greenspace there. They should get rid of a lot of the concrete and in fact I think they could also get rid of or move some of those fountains. You can’t really sit or lie down on the concrete (I disagree that the steps are nice to sit on - maybe for a short time but not for any period longer than a few minutes), and there are really no other places to sit unless you count the few old, warped benches along the sides. They should also try and level some of the areas as well so people can play sports and games there. Basically, I think a nice model is the National Mall.

July 15, 2006 at 2:08AM

Well said Mr. Wilson!  I would also like to see them keep the trees/shade.

I love the idea of a continuous water feature that connects fountains of various themes.

Great place for public art.

Maybe Lincoln can raise money for this in a fashion similar to the fundraising they did for Sunken Gardens.

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