Free Music From the Loup River Band & Street Choir

By: Mr. Wilson on December 21, 2007
Gene Hogan dropped me a note yesterday:
Our first record, An Evening At Lee's, has been available over the internet for a while. Our second record, Golden Testament, just recently. Both records were recorded and produced ourselves in a basement in midtown Lincoln, with the lone exception being "Better Times" which was expertly recorded completely live by Chris Steffen. He records for money and you should hire him and pay him lots of money. Special thanks to everyone that played on these records, especially Ken Morton for lending us his talents as a full-time band member and songwriter. He's since moved on to The Allendales. You should go hear his band and buy him lots of drinks. Thanks to the "Street Choir" for showing up and singing backing vocals. One of them even stuck around and joined the band.
Go ahead and download the two albums for your weekend listening pleasure.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 21, 2007 at 2:16PM

Thanks, Mr. Wilson!

December 21, 2007 at 4:01PM

Loup river rules.

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