Foley Shreds Child Welfare Reform

By: Mr. Wilson on September 7, 2011
You have no idea how happy I am right now. Nebraska State Auditor Mike Foley has released a scathing report condemning Nebraska's child welfare system. I'm reading through the report right now (Executive Summary [PDF] / Complete Attestation Report [PDF]), but the Journal Star's preview has been enough to make me giggle. I can only hope this report brings about massive changes to DHHS and the child welfare system. Heads should roll, right on up to Governor Heineman himself. I'm eager to see how senators, the Foster Care Review Board, and others react to all this.


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Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
September 9, 2011 at 4:31AM

Kerry Winterer was on Drive Time Lincoln today and it sounded almost as if he had not really even addressed or read the audit. 

He was upset that Foley was using the media as his outlet…well unfortunately most government agencies do not change much unless publically called out on it.  Sure he could have worked with you quietly to attempt to fix issues…but happens much faster with the public leaning on you to get it fixed. 

But I will agree with Kerry on one point…it is about the kids first and foremost.  would I rather have the kids come first over the financial concerns…absolutely.  Most likely they are dealing with tons of kids that need help over there and the financial and administrative issues kind of play second fiddle. 

This is such a tough job for these folks…huge issues and no matter how good of job they do something is going to happen.  The problems began at when these children were misplaced and left in state care.  It would be so awesome if there were enough really caring foster parents that could take on these challenges.  And if the rest of us were willing to help support those families that really take on other less responsible parents children.  Support local foster parents that you know of to help these kids out.  It means more that you may think it does.

Mr. Wilson
September 9, 2011 at 1:44PM

Don’t give Winterer any credit for the “the kids come first” stuff. It’s nothing more than a shield to hide behind. Of course the kids come first. Nobody is saying otherwise!

The fact is, the “financial and administrative issues” that you suggest play second fiddle are critical to the kids’ well-being. When administrative processes are inefficient and/or incompetent, children are directly harmed. When money is wasted or misdirected, children are directly harmed. The issues raised by Foley’s office cannot be considered “second fiddle” matters. Each and every concern outlined in the audit has caused—and in many cases continues to cause—direct and demonstrable harm to kids and families in the system, not to mention taxpayers.

I could go on but I won’t because (a) I’ll start really ranting, and (b) I’m sure I’m mostly preaching to the choir.

Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
September 9, 2011 at 9:31PM

I do agree with you completely.  The more money that goes to directly help these kids and not being wasted the better. 

I felt his answers and overall disregard of the audit…even referring to it as “not really an audit”...was a little shocking.  It really sounded like he had not even really given it a look.  This is one of those agencies that has always been riddled with issues, mainly due to trying to apply blanket solutions to individual problems that need to be address on a one on one type of setting. 

It was “reformed” just a few years ago…but sounds like what needs to be replaced is the berucrats that happen to be running it.  I can’t say there is any other job where someone could misplace the amount of funds being discussed without lossing their jobs.

Foley is completely in the right for putting it in the public eye.  Heads need to roll over there…  that being said…in my day to day…paperwork is the absolute last thing I tend to…customers first and deal with the paper pushing afterwards.  If there was a stellar report on treatment of the children in the system I can feel much better about things.  If it was like the Beatric Developmental situation where the whole setup was messed up…then would say everyone is gone and start over.

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