Fighting Back…NOT

By: Mr. T on July 17, 2009
Kudos to the woman who successfully fought back lied about against an attacker while on one of the bike trails yesterday. Although I'm not a user of the trails around the Cornhusker and 40th area, it doesn't strike me as being the type of area that an attack would be likely to happen. Especially at 1:30 PM in the afternoon. Then again, how often are these sorts of attacks planned out and executed in a rational manner? Being a heavy user of the trails in other parts of town, I've often wondered what the likelihood is of similar types of dangers. However, besides your occasional drunk or two, I have yet to encounter any "trouble" in our parks and trails system, even the more remote ones like Jamaica North. Anyone else have thoughts or experiences about "danger" at our parks and trails? EDIT: Turns out that the lady who reported being attacked on the trails last week made the story up. Good going dude. You managed to divert police resources where they could have otherwise been applied to read needs in the community, AND you're a racist for (falsely) reporting that it was a black guy who attacked you. Your 15 minutes of fame are over. Go jump in a lake.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Karin Dalziel
July 17, 2009 at 2:53PM

This reminds me that I’ve been meaning to take a self defense class- if anyone knows of one, let me know.

I have not encountered “trouble” as you put it on trails (thought I rarely use them) but as a woman, I am very aware of threats when I am walking around. I try not to walk by myself after dark, and if I do, I don’t listen to an MP3 player and look around often. I used to carry pepper spray with me at all times, but then I lost it and never bought more. Sometimes, I think maybe I’m being paranoid, and then I hear a story like this and realize I am, sadly, not being all that paranoid after all. :(

On a related note, I really wish I could filter crime reports by attacks by unknown assailants- when I was researching crimes for neighborhoods, there were often a good amount of domestic disturbances (as happens in lower income neighborhoods) but some seemed to have a lot less crime by unknown assailants.

July 17, 2009 at 4:06PM

Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

Mr. T
July 17, 2009 at 4:40PM

That sounds to me like prudent practice. I live in the near south area. I have never encountered any problems there at all. But I have heard and even known people who have had problems in the area, but only really late at night, like 2-4 AM. During the day, its a completely different story and I feel very safe there. There are occasional drunks wandering about, but that’s about it.

July 17, 2009 at 6:12PM

is pretty simple and no -nonsense. Simple movements, not too many of them. Made to be learned quickly and used effectively after a few sessions. Longoria’s on Cotner is certified to teach it.

July 18, 2009 at 11:44PM

Krav is awesome. Practical, applicable, and realistic. If you find yourself in a fight that you don’t want to be part of, and running away isn’t feasible, wouldn’t you like your martial training to be designed to *win* the fight, not look fancy?

I learned about groin strikes on my second or third lesson, kicking at knees, and kicking people on the ground. Not “neighborly” moves by any means, but effective.

Mr. T
July 20, 2009 at 12:34AM

JT - Kudos have definitely been rescinded!

Dave K
July 20, 2009 at 3:13AM

divert police resources where they could have otherwise been applied

Yeah, there are at least a half-dozen people without speeding tickets who would otherwise have them.

July 20, 2009 at 12:28PM

She just HAD to pull the black card, huh?  What an unbelievable, attention whoring jerk.

Karin Dalziel
July 20, 2009 at 1:32PM

Does anyone know more about this? That second story was weak. how did they know she lied the second time, but not the first? This is weird. 😛

Karin Dalziel
July 20, 2009 at 1:34PM

Thanks to advice on self defense, BTW. Despite the result of this story, it’s still a reminder to me to take self defense classes.

July 20, 2009 at 2:45PM

She also created un-necessary alarm amongst trail users and amongst those that like to point to Lincoln as a growing hive of scum and villainy. (See!! Look at the rise in crime! Behold the violence inherent in the system!)

Karin Dalziel
July 20, 2009 at 2:58PM

At the same time, some refuse to realize that Lincoln IS a dangerous place (“It’s just a small town…”)

The worst thing about the whole thing for me? This comment from the journal star website:

“this just proves that women do lie about being attacked/abused. I wonder how many men get arrested each year because to false claims such as this??”

Yeah, because we need more “crying wolf” accusations. Yes, women lie (as do men and children). So what? That’s what the criminal justice system/police are supposedly for (at least in part). And in this case the system seems to have worked, though I am still uneasy about the details.

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