Fido, Customer Service Representative

By: Mr. Wilson on February 18, 2009
Reading about the death of Silas, the resident cat at A Novel Idea, made me think about all of the other businesses in town that have an animal as an "employee" of sorts. It's driving me nuts because I know I have run across several animals over the years, but I am having a difficult time remembering most of them. I know there's a big, friendly dog at Southside Auto Tech, and I think there's a pup at the flower shop in College View. What other animals greet customers across Lincoln?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
February 18, 2009 at 2:28PM

There’s the friendly dog that hangs out at Economy & Performance auto repair in downtown.

Dave K
February 18, 2009 at 2:33PM

The DMV employs a bunch of species that are definitely not human.

February 18, 2009 at 2:35PM

In college I had a job delivering auto parts and there were a few places around town with nice lovable dogs. One place, I think over near 8th and South, had a very large doberman. As I was waiting for the mechanic to sign the delivery ticket, the dog sat in front of me and gave my leg a tap with his front paw, sort of like when dogs raise their paw to “shake.” The mechanic said, “he wants you to pet him, and you’d better do it.”

West A Dad
February 18, 2009 at 3:20PM

Blue Stem Books had a dog the last time I was in.

Canine Consultants always have critters to greet you.

Diane Kaye
February 18, 2009 at 4:12PM

Yellowed Pages in Uni Place has a friendly cat that wanders the bookstore looking for affection.

BTW - I don’t share Dave K’s view of the DMV - my experiences there have always been great. Good service, friendly conversations, no problems.

Karin Dalziel
February 18, 2009 at 4:28PM

I’m gonna miss Silas. :(

I was going to mention the dog at Economy and Performance too. When I first went to E&P;, he was hyper, jumping all over me and wagging his tail. The last time I was in, he was still friendly, but definitely more subdued.

My vet, the All feline cat clinic near the mall, always has various cats about. My two favorites were an old toothless white cat and a cat who couldn’t use his hind legs, but would drag himself around the store with amazing speed anyway.

February 18, 2009 at 6:37PM

That’s no cat. Cats aren’t supposed to be as big as small donkeys.

February 18, 2009 at 7:04PM

There’s an auto shop off of 56th and Old Chaney (for the life of me I can’t remember the name) that I went to when I lived in Lincoln (and I believe was recommended on here) that had a dog.  He was getting up in age and not moving very fast, I wonder if he’s still around.

Dave K
February 18, 2009 at 7:07PM

Yeah, I meant that as a joke.  My last couple times there have been alright, but they should really consider entering at least the 20th century when it comes to payment methods.  They must be one of the last places on Earth that doesn’t accept credit cards.

February 19, 2009 at 2:36AM

It’s been so many years, I’m sure he’s passed on by now, but there used to be a Bassett Hound (or Beagle?) that lived at Bike Pedalers.

February 19, 2009 at 2:37AM

oops.  One T in Basset Hound.

February 19, 2009 at 3:13AM

Gross Auto has two dogs that live on the premises during the day.

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