EU fears

By: Mr. T on April 16, 2005
Important vote coming up in France!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. Wilson
April 18, 2005 at 5:42PM

So what IS the EU exactly?* A conglomeration of distinct nations? A collection of like-minded states? An impending unified republic? I’m so confused.

* I mean other than a gigantic bureaucratic nightmare, of course.

Mr. T
April 20, 2005 at 3:03AM

The BBC had a really good outline online but I can’t find it now. Of your 3 choices, I would say that the description of it being a conglomeration of distinct nations, as well as a gigantic bureaucratic nightmare, ring the most accurate. But its defintely not a collection of like-minded states. Hell its amazing that the French and Germans could even agree to hate the US. But I guess progress is progress, after all if India and Pakistan can playing cricket together, then the French and Germans have something to brag about.

Anyway, if the French people dont vote for this in the affirmative, it will be a massive fuck up. Nuff said.

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