Does Santa Visit Your House?

By: Mr. Wilson on December 13, 2010
This isn't related to Lincoln in any way, I'm just curious. I've asked this question of many people over the years and some of the responses have been very interesting. Santa doesn't drop by 625 Elm Street. We made the decision to ask for the bypass back when Robbie was a baby. Since that time Robbie has figured out on his own the difference between fact and fiction. This year things are a little trickier. We now have an 8 and a 3 year-old who came into our house with different expectations about His Jolliness. Nevertheless, we remain on the fat man's Do Not Call list. I have a feeling he may stop by grandma's house instead, grandmas being the way they are. So the question: does Santa stop by your humble abode?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 13, 2010 at 3:13PM

Indeed he does. And I couldn’t be happier about it. Each day, I figure my 8-year old will wise up about it, but so far she either hasn’t or she’s getting good about lying to me. I will admit there will be some sadness when that magic ends for her. One of my all time favorite memories of her was one Christmas when her face just lit up and she yelled that Santa had been there. It can still choke me up to this day.

December 13, 2010 at 4:40PM

Gotta agree with Feltch.  This is a complicated world, and there are times when campfire stories are worth being told.  Does a kid end up getting the message that manipulating the truth is accceptable in some cases? Sure. But there are so many other good lessons about things like personal responsibility, sharing, and unconditional love that Santa brings to the table. Not least of which is the compassion and understanding for why someone could possibly choose to believe something that is completely ridiculous.  And if it needed to be said, the lesson about the accessibility of truth to all that look hard enough is much easier to understand once you have pulled yourself out of a pit of deceit, deceit that is relatively harmless in this case.  That evidence can trump the public opinions of authority figures and even those that you trust can be one of the most empowering lessons a young person can take to heart. 

Total and complete honesty from the start denies them these training opportunities.
Then again, my frame of reference is a pretty white-bread world where these lessons wouldn’t really be a part of everyday life otherwise, so maybe I’d change my tune if I had to raise my child in a different environment.

December 13, 2010 at 4:41PM

I’m with Fletch.  We don’t go crazy on gifts, but the anticipation and excitement that the kids show just is so heartwarming.  I love the traditions we have built because of the holiday 😊

Mr. Wilson.. do you just not subscribe to the Santa bringing the presents, or do you just not do presents period?  If it’s the later, I would be worried about how the foster care children may take that given that they do expect it, and with everything turned upside down, they might view it as some how their fault that Santa didn’t show up.  Just a thought.

Mr. Wilson
December 13, 2010 at 5:16PM

We still do gifts, it’s just that none of them are provided by Santa. We neither confirm nor deny the existence of His Ho Ho Ho-liness. We simply explain that we have plenty of gifts for the kids so Santa is able to spend his time helping others. The kids understand that.

As far as Robbie goes, I’m not sure when he figured out Santa’s true colors. The first I learned of it was a couple weeks ago when Robbie said “Santa is just a character, like Sponge Bob”.

December 13, 2010 at 6:04PM

In terms of gifts, in all honesty, we probably would buy the same number of gifts for the most part any way. This way, some of the larger or more fun “wow” type of gifts get to be from Santa. Someday, they will learn the story of who stood outside at 5:00 am in December 2008 in below-zero windchills for a shot at a Wii system. Until then, I’m good with the fat man getting the credit.

When I grew up, my sister and I continued to get Santa gifts and stockings long after we knew the deal. My mom enjoyed it, and we enjoyed it, and there’s always that chance for magic. Not sure if that will happen with my kids, but for now I am just enjoying the ride. This year could be my last chance.

December 13, 2010 at 7:00PM

Not only does santa come, but we have an elf =)  Once the stockings are up the Elf leaves you a little something every day - maybe a pack of gum, a coloring book, a matchbox car, an outfit for Barbie - whatever. 

It was a tradition started by my grandma and it’s the best part of Christmas.  I rarely hear requests to open anything early and it helps build the excitement.  Like Fletch, Santa ususally leaves the big gift (whatever is hardest to wrap) and the rest are from us.  That said, I do have friends who give their kids clothes and things they need for Christmas and santa brings any toys.

Our son is a teenager and we have said for the last 5-6 years “those who believe will receive”.  We know he knows, and he knows that the extra present is worth the magic!

December 14, 2010 at 2:17PM

The more I am mistaken for Santa.  If kids didn’t believe in Santa it would not be nearly as much fun to dress in a red sweatshirt and go to the grocery store. If there wasn’t any Santa I might even have to shave off the white beard…..........

Mr. Wilson
December 14, 2010 at 2:27PM

Do you carry around candy canes at all times for distribution to the inquisitive types? If not, can I buy you some so that you’ll start?

December 14, 2010 at 2:50PM

No candy for kids only for adults.  This being a G-rated website I will say no more.

December 14, 2010 at 6:41PM

For many years I worked for the local daVinci’s restaurants.

The founder, Kal Knudson, bore a striking resemblance to Santa…as a way to give back to the community he did photos with Santa for free at his restaurants. His wife Darlene, would dress as Mrs. Claus and they would greet hundreds of kids on cold winter evenings.
When I had children of my own I was so thrilled to be able to take them to see Santa and see the wonder and magic that visit gave them. (I took my middle son to see Santa when he was 4 days old!)That photo is one of my very favorite in the world.

Kal was very careful not to promise the children anything for Christmas, so that they wouldn’t be disappointed, and he was known for slipping cash to parents that wouldn’t be able to have a Christmas for their kids.

Kal passed away a couple of years ago, and to my knowledge they haven’t had a replacement Santa. Indeed he was irreplaceable.

Santa does visit my house. In his spirit, and in the gifts that my husband I leave under the tree for my children to see the wonder and magic of believing!

Yeah, the way I see it Santa is all good!

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