
By: Mr. Wilson on August 22, 2007
I have a really hard time feeling sorry for Jim Brewer. After Monday's storm a "giant tree branch" dangled over his house. So who did he call? A tree trimmer? His insurance company? His friends who own chain saws and tall ladders? Nope. He called the cops. And they said "You're on your own". Mr. Brewer said "I was just really, really ticked that they didn’t send anybody out and just look at it and give me some advice." Judging by the article in the LJS, apparently that's appalling. I had no idea the city was in the business of giving tree trimming advice. The city certainly should come to the rescue when life and limb (ha!) are in danger. It doesn't sound like that was the case here. What did Mr. Brewer end up doing? He contacted a professional tree remover who was at his house by 10:00pm that night. Problem solved. Now why didn't I think of that?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 22, 2007 at 3:41PM

While agree that the police number was a bad choice, this really points to the lack of help for first time homeowners in matters like this. I’ve owned a house for three years, and I often have no idea who to call when I have a question about what’s allowed, or ordinances, etc. The city website is somewhat helpful, but not when your power is out or your internet is down.

I feel like I missed some vital information that other homeowners got all the time. Maybe that’s just the joy of owning a house. 😊

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